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How Cyclotrons Play a Crucial Role in Cancer Treatment

Brandon Buckway in Blue Shirt against Blue Background
Brandon Buckway, PhD

回旋加速器是一种制造寿命非常短的放射性同位素的复杂装置. 这些放射性同位素可用于制造用于正电子发射断层扫描(PET)成像的放射性药物. PET imaging, also called a PET scan, is a type of radiology imaging. 医生使用放射成像检查来检查身体内部,看看癌症的位置. Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) director of cyclotron operations, Brandon Buckway, PhD, 解释了回旋加速器在HCI的使用这些年发生了怎样的变化,以及它如何大发娱乐患者和HCI以及整个西部山区.


我开始于2005年,当时回旋加速器实验室只生产一种用于正电子发射断层扫描(PET)成像的临床放射性药物(FDG),主要服务于亨茨曼癌症研究所的患者. We were supplying FDG doses for only a few patients’ PET scans each day. 它从一开始就迅速扩张,随着PET成像成为临床护理的必要手段,多年来一直稳步增长. The regulatory landscape with the FDA also changed PET drug manufacturing, 要求大发娱乐的团队执行现行的良好生产规范(cGMP)标准. 2014年,大发娱乐的PET放射性药物获得了FDA的第一个批准。18F]fludeoxyglucose (FDG) and [18F]sodium fluoride. In more recent years, 大发娱乐已经成为几家商业制药公司的合同制造组织,生产和供应他们的药品. Axumin®, the first PET imaging agent for prostate cancer, 这些商业伙伴关系是否有一个例子增加了临床医生改善癌症治疗的工具.

We have also assisted in providing radiopharmaceuticals for other diseases, including Vizamyl™, an Alzheimer’s imaging agent. 大发娱乐正在继续安排为大发娱乐的社区生产其他令人兴奋的商业批准的药物. While maintaining reliable manufacturing and delivery of approved drugs, 大发娱乐还为许多HCI开发和生产PET研究药物 clinical trials. 大发娱乐的站点已经获得了超过八种不同的放射性药物的批准,用于亨斯迈癌症研究所正在进行的多项临床试验的调查研究. Recently, we received approval to manufacture [18F]fluoroestradiol (FES) for breast cancer related clinical trials. Over these past 16 years, we have expanded our operation, maintaining the vision of improving diagnosis and monitoring therapy.

How is this resource an asset to the region?

大发娱乐大发娱乐地区唯一的医用回旋加速器和PET放射性药物实验室. 大发娱乐为犹他州和邻近的州大发娱乐提供重要的PET药物供应,使患者能够进行PET/CT扫描. Due to the short shelf-life of the radiopharmaceuticals, they must be manufactured on the same day the PET/CT scans are performed. 通过强大的维护计划和对回旋加速器的关键升级, our team has been able to maintain a 99% uptime.


大发娱乐的领域正在经历新的PET药物开发的前所未有的增长,这些药物对某些癌症类型的特异性越来越强. Our first success in this regard was with Axumin®, which is a PET drug that was developed for imaging prostate cancer. 大发娱乐与该公司合作开发这种化合物,以验证制造过程, HCI的研究人员也参与了导致FDA批准的临床试验. 大发娱乐现在定期生产Axumin®,并在全州范围内分发PET/CT扫描. Most recently, 大发娱乐建立了生产,并获得了随后的FDA批准用于研究使用[18F]FES for estrogen receptor imaging of breast cancer. 这种PET药物可以根据它们是否雌激素受体阳性来对肿瘤进行成像. 这可以提高乳腺癌的检测,并有助于指导激素治疗的使用. 大发娱乐也在开发新的PET化合物,以支持犹他大学的科学家, 并且有几项NIH拨款将这些化合物用于临床前研究.

How has your position grown or changed?

经过多年的培训,我从实验室的放射化学家做起,获得了犹他大学的化学学士学位, hard work, 并获得了药剂学和制药科学的博士学位. 我在放射化学方面的技能和对整个放射制药行业的认识都有所提高. 我有机会与来自世界各地大发娱乐领域的许多其他人互动. 从我职业生涯的早期开始,作为一名基本的放射化学家,我每天凌晨1点开始生产FDG, 我作为回旋加速器运营总监继续管理团队和项目.

I have learned and experienced much. 当我开始的时候,我从来没有想过我会如此热爱科学的这一部分. We get a glimpse of the whole process. 大发娱乐真正处于药物开发的从实验室到临床的界面,没有多少人在他们的职业生涯中有这样的机会参与到所有的过程中. 这已经成为一个非常复杂的角色,我现在要管理日常运营的各个方面, product development, regulatory affairs, and personnel management. However, 我参与了一些惊人的增长,并拥有一支了不起的团队,包括大发娱乐政府的支持.

What is your favorite part about working at HCI?

The favorite thing about working at HCI is the people. We have amazing people as part of this work. We learn a lot from each other. 我有一些伟大的领导者和导师,他们一直在指导我. 我很自豪能参与这项从癌症起源开始了解癌症的任务, to use that knowledge in the creation and improvement of cancer treatments, to relieve the suffering of patients with cancer, and to provide education about cancer risk, prevention, and care.

我一直觉得有一件事很重要,那就是参与让人们的生活变得更好. That is something I see every day here. Hopefully, we can keep accomplishing that through continued support for our team, our program, and our resources.

The average lifespan of a cyclotron is 10 to 14 years. HCI唯一的回旋加速器已经使用了17年,并迅速接近其寿命的终点. The replacement cost is estimated at $25 million. Learn how you can contribute to a new cyclotron.