



性对任何人来说都是一个禁忌话题, but sex 和 other forms of intimacy are important parts of a relationship, 包括癌症患者. Cancer itself 和 certain treatments can have temporary or permanent physical 和 emotional impacts that affect a person’s sex organs, 生育能力, 与身体的关系, 被唤起的能力, 以及想要和伴侣亲密接触的欲望.

Sexual health resources are available to help people living with cancer maintain an active sex life. Talking about sex 和 sexual intimacy with experts in 亨茨曼癌症研究所’s 性健康和幸福诊所 lets patients learn about options 和 what they can expect during 和 after treatment.


Engaging in sexual activity may look different for people with cancer, 和 that’s OK. How cancer affects a person’s sex life may depend on what type of cancer they have 和 the treatment they go through.

常见的 癌症的种类 这可能会影响到性, 性欲(libido), 生育能力, 和 body image include breast; prostate; leukemia; anal; 和 reproductive cancers such as gynecologic, 阴茎, 还有睾丸癌. Other forms of cancer may also impact a person’s sexual health 和 sex life.

People with the highest risk for testicular cancer are those between the ages of 18 和 35, 大发娱乐并不总是考虑这个年龄组的癌症.
凯蒂·沃德 DNP, WHNP

癌症治疗 治疗期间和长期会影响一个人的性生活吗. 手术, 辐射, 化疗(或化疗), 激素疗法是治疗癌症的常见方法. 病人 should ask their doctor if 和 how long they should wait to engage in sex after receiving certain treatments.

  • 手术 may change a person’s physical appearance, sex drive, or ability to reproduce.
  • Radiation to the pelvic area may cause vaginal bleeding or discomfort during sex.
  • Chemotherapy 和 hormonal treatments can affect appearance 和 sex organs by reducing hormone levels. 这会导致产生卵子和精子的能力发生变化, 和 it may cause reactions to mucus membranes in the mouth 和 vagina, 性生活痛苦. 病人 should ask their doctor whether having sex raises the risk of infection.
One of the reasons breast cancer is so frightening is because the breasts are an important part of our appearance 和 an important part our sexual intimacy with our partners.
凯蒂·沃德 DNP, WHNP


癌症患者应该和他们的癌症护理团队谈谈 治疗开始前 了解可能的结果并提出问题. 生育能力一个人生育孩子或怀孕的能力,称为生育能力 生育能力会受到癌症和某些治疗的影响. It is extremely important for people with cancer to talk with their doctor about 生育能力 before cancer treatment. 下面是一些可以问的问题:

  • 我有什么选择?
  • 在开始治疗前我还有多少时间?
  • 在癌症治疗后,我如何知道我是否有生育能力?
  • 我怎么知道什么时候生孩子是安全的?
  • 对我和我未来的孩子有健康风险吗?
  • 我能做些什么来保护我的生育能力?

亨斯迈癌症研究所与 犹他州生殖医学中心 at the University of Utah to help people with cancer who want to have children after treatment.


有很多生理的、生理的和情感的 副作用 在癌症治疗期间,这可能会改变一个人的性生活. Many patients with cancer have feelings 和 emotions that reduce sex drive such as stress, 乏力, 抑郁症, 焦虑, 改变了外表.

  • 有阴茎的人:生殖器不适, 射精时疼痛, 或者勃起或保持勃起困难, 或者生育能力的变化
  • 有阴道的人阴道干燥, 阴道分泌物异常或缺乏阴道分泌物, 性行为前后出血, 或者生育能力的变化

在癌症治疗期间怀孕会伤害胎儿. It is important for those undergoing cancer treatment to use effective forms of birth control. 大多数医生建议使用两种方法来避免怀孕. 病人 may not be able to use some types of birth control such as birth control pills 和 should talk to their care team about the best 和 safest methods of birth control.

While undergoing treatment, bodily fluids may contain traces of cancer medication. 这会给性伴侣带来风险. 病人 should talk to their doctors to learn if the medicines taken pose this risk. Learn more about how to protect yourself 和 your partner through the 癌症治疗期间和之后的性健康情况说明.


Those who have had cancer treatment may experience temporary or permanent sexual 副作用. These changes can impact a person’s relationship with themselves in 和 outside of the bedroom 和 with any sexual partners.

癌症治疗后, patients should continue having follow-up visits with their cancer care team or their primary care physician for medical advice regarding their sexual health 和 生育能力. People should talk to their cancer care team about how long after treatment they should avoid getting pregnant. Most patients need to avoid pregnancy for six months to one year after completing cancer treatment. 根据具体情况,时间可能更短,也可能更长. Cancer treatment may also permanently affect one’s ability to get someone or become pregnant. 为 this reason, it is critical to talk about 生育能力 before cancer treatment begins.


Some sexual 副作用 during or after cancer treatment can make sex painful. There are many resources available for people assigned female at birth to help make sex more enjoyable. These include medications, lubricants, 保湿霜, 和 vaginal dilators. 润滑剂和润肤霜可以在药店和网上找到. 扩张器可以在专卖店或网上购买. 更多信息可以在大发娱乐的网站上找到 癌症治疗后妇女性健康情况说明书. 这些药物不能预防怀孕或性传播感染.

  • 阴道润滑剂 work immediately to ease dryness during sex 和 can be placed in 和 round the vagina, 在阴茎, 其他身体部位, 或者其他进入阴道的器械. Use water- 和 silicone-based lubricants instead of oil-based or other products that have glycerin or flavors as these can be irritating.
  • 阴道保湿霜 help to ease dryness when not having sex 和 should be used often, up to three times per week. 油性 保湿霜 是好的 for people with no history of urinary tract infections, yeast infections, or diabetes.
  • 阴道扩张器 can be used to gently stretch the vagina slowly over time 和 should be used with a vaginal lubricator.


病人 assigned female at birth with cancer who have questions or are seeking sexual health resources can schedule an appointment with a provider at 性健康和幸福诊所. This clinic provides a safe place for patients to talk about sex 和 sexual health. Providers can discuss how to prevent 副作用 和 improve sexual function, 另外还大发娱乐提供治疗选择和性健康咨询. 这可以大发娱乐患者学习应对身体变化的新方法, 应对压力, 加强亲密关系, 和 为失去健康而悲伤.

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