
我得了癌症. 现在? 《大发娱乐》


Woman holding her neck while looking at laptop

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can cause fear, shock, and anxiety. You may be left with countless questions about what to do after finding out you have cancer. We are here to help you understand your diagnosis, answer questions about your cancer and care, and offer resources available to you here and beyond. 你并不孤单.

Below is a comprehensive overview to help you navigate what to do when diagnosed with cancer.


癌症类型和护理团队: Learning about your type of cancer and care teams can help ease some of the anxiety. 理解类型, 阶段, and extent of your cancer is important for making informed decisions.

要问医生的问题: 亨茨曼癌症研究所 doctors are specialists in cancer care. 你的医生是你值得信赖的资源. Ask them questions to learn information about your cancer and treatment options. If you don't understand something, ask your doctor to explain it better.

常见的癌症词汇和短语: 医学术语可能会让人眼花缭乱. The words used by your care team may be new to you. Familiarize yourself with essential cancer-related words and phrases. Understanding them ensures you and your doctor agree.

和孩子们谈论癌症: Knowing how to talk to children about when, why, and what they need to know may be hard to navigate. 大发娱乐是来指导你的. Avoid making promises, let them know what they can expect, and encourage them to ask questions.

“癌症是可怕的,令人难以承受的, and it is so important to me and my clinical team to help our patients through this journey. Every team member in the clinic plays a vital role to enhance that clinical experience. Open communication is key for us and our patients.”


治疗和服务: There are many different cancer treatments and services available. Our experts are trained to offer the most advanced treatments with the best possible outcomes for you. View our comprehensive list and talk to your care team about your options.

癌症临床试验: Clinical trials test the safety and effectiveness of new drugs. Your care team may recommend a trial for you based on your type of cancer. You can also ask your doctor if a trial is right for you.

副作用和症状处理: Cancer can cause symptoms that change daily routines. 治疗也经常导致副作用. We offer many resources to support you and your loved ones in managing those side effects.


成为你的护理团队的积极中心: You are the most important part of your care team—we always put you first. 你应该积极照顾自己. 问问题,说出来,寻求资源. If something doesn't feel right, express your concerns. 大发娱乐是来帮忙的.

寻求其他意见: Get a second opinion to ensure you are receiving the best care possible. You should always ask your doctor if there are other treatments you should be considering and if they offer it. Most insurance plans cover a second opinion and some require it.

Choose a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center: 你在哪里接受治疗. Choosing an NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center means that you will receive the highest level of care and better outcomes. We are the only NCI-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for Utah, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, 内华达, 和怀俄明州. Our experts treat patients throughout the Mountain West and around the world.

寻求大发娱乐的重要性: 寻求支持可能很难. But it is important to lean on friends, family, and support groups. 在你的癌症之旅中,你并不孤单. Emotional support is crucial, so learn how to ask for help and what to ask for.

“You will never be left alone to find your way without help and support. Our team will be with you and your family in a joint effort to maximize your health, 在旅途中寻找乐趣, 并大发娱乐提供所需的支持.”


Patient services 亨茨曼癌症研究所: We offer many services for you and your caregivers, family, and loved ones. 其中包括金融倡导者, 住院病人护理指南, 新患者资源, 癌症学习中心, 病人及家属住宿, 和更多的.

健康和支持: 发现自己得了癌症是很有压力的. You may also worry about managing daily life. We offer many resources to support you during and after your cancer journey. 了解更多大发娱乐的健康 & Integrative Health Center, support groups, rehabilitation services, 和更多的.

患者教育资源: 有关于癌症的问题吗? You can always ask your care team or access our many online patient resources 24/7. You can search by cancer type, treatment, well-being, 和更多的.

在网上找一个癌症社区: 癌症诊断是非常个人化的. It can be hard to share with those around you. But having a support system can help while coping with cancer. Learn more about ways social media can help and how to navigate misinformation online.

创造你的新常态: Finding out you have cancer is life changing. 但这并不能定义你. While some aspects of your day-to-day life may change, you can create a new normal. Learn tips to help you redefine your cancer journey.


Our blog is a helpful resource for you and your caregivers, family, and loved ones. We share tips for navigating your cancer diagnosis, stories from other patients with your cancer type, 医生大发娱乐提供的治疗信息, and discoveries from researchers in our labs. 先来看看下面这张精选清单吧:

知识是你最有力的工具. 通过积极参与你的照顾, 寻求信息, and communicating with your health care team, you can better navigate your cancer journey. 你并不孤单. 还有希望.

如需更多大发娱乐和信息,请联系 G. 米切尔·莫里斯癌症学习中心 亨茨曼癌症研究所.
