



亨茨曼癌症研究所 research highlights shine the spotlight on new discoveries 和 cutting-edge research. 最近, investigators received grants to 研究 a new type of immunotherapy for 乳腺癌 和 support cancer risk education for young adults in rural counties. 也, a new discovery is opening the door to underst和ing how normal lung cells turn into cancer, nurses are creating an innovative way to track pneumonia symptoms in 多发性骨髓瘤 patients, researchers have discovered a link between 结肠直肠癌 patient biomarkers.


Discovering a new immunotherapy for metastatic 乳腺癌

尽管新兴 免疫疗法,仍然没有答案 乳腺癌. Alana Welm博士, senior director of basic science at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 professor of oncological sciences 在 犹他大学 (美国), recently received grants from the Breast 癌症研究 Foundation 和 the Susan G. 科曼基金会试图找到答案. Welm 和 her team discovered a protein called RON kinase that regulates an immune response to tumors. When taking RON kinase away in mice, the immune system was activated 和 attacked the cancer. This research opens the door to finding a medication that helps the immune system eliminate 乳腺癌.


Providing risk prevention to emerging adults in rural areas

美国国家癌症研究所 recently awarded a grant to cancer centers 和 hospitals serving the four corners region of the United States. 迪安娜·凯普卡,博士,公共卫生硕士, 大卫·维特博士, Echo Warner,博士,公共卫生硕士, along with researchers from the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center, 亚利桑那大学癌症中心, the University of Colorado Cancer Center, 会教导年轻人, 年龄18-26, 通过社交媒体了解癌症风险. David Buller, 博士学位, researcher from Klein Buendell in Colorado, 安德鲁·萨斯曼博士, associate director for community outreach 和 engagement 在 University of New Mexico Cancer Center, 是主要的主要研究者吗. The campaign will target young adults in rural counties, inform them of risk factors like infrequent physical activity, 不健康的饮食, 尼古丁使用, 饮酒, 紫外线照射, 以及对HPV疫苗的抵抗力. 该团队的目标是在Facebook上教他们, utilizing private groups to find emerging trends 和 personalize content. 

Underst和ing how benign lung tumors can transform into cancer

马丁·麦克马洪博士, senior director for preclinical research 和 co-leader of the experimental therapeutics program at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 dermatology professor 在 U, leads a team that has discovered how normal lung cells turn cancerous. 这项研究, spanning 13 years of research 和 an extensive group of international collaborators, 发表于 癌症研究. BRAFV600E 是人类肺癌的亚型吗. 然而,当BRAFV600E 在小鼠正常肺细胞中表达, 它只促进小的成长, 良性肿瘤, 哪些很少发展成肺癌. 正因为如此, McMahon 和 his team became interested in finding the genes that turned these tumors cancerous. 这样做, they used a technique called Sleeping Beauty Transposon Mutagenesis to turn certain genes on 和 off in mice. This allowed McMahon 和 colleagues to identify a sizable panel of genes that, 结合BRAFV600E会导致恶性肿瘤的发展 肺癌.


Nurses create an algorithm to monitor 和 prevent pneumonia in 多发性骨髓瘤 patients

Low white blood cell counts caused by cancers or treatments that affect bone marrow, like 多发性骨髓瘤, puts patients at risk of getting pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP). PJP is a fungal infection that develops in the lungs 和 most commonly affects immunocompromised cancer patients. Previously, nurses tracked patients individually to determine who needed more care. 当凯莉·贝勒里夫, BSN, RN, BMTCN, her team noticed unexpected PJP infections, 他们与 多发性骨髓瘤护理小组 和 built an algorithm to accurately determine which patients were at highest risk 和 needed intervention.

Scientists discover the link between inflammatory 和 blood vessel development biomarkers 和 distress in 结肠直肠癌 patients

Psychological distress is common in patients who have 结肠直肠癌. 在一个 研究 发表于期刊 癌症流行病学,生物标志物 & 预防, 克拉拉·林德利, 本科生, 詹妮弗·奥斯, 博士学位, 亨茨曼癌症研究所的研究员, found biomarkers within the blood linked to stress. In partnership with the University of Heidelberg in Germany, Lindley 和 Ose found an increase in biomarker concentrations was associated with future risk of distress in 结肠直肠癌 patients 12 months after their surgery. This is one of the first studies to investigate this relationship in prospectively followed patients with 结肠直肠癌.


801 581-3194

关于亨斯迈癌症研究所 在 犹他大学

亨茨曼癌症研究所犹他大学 is the National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for Utah, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, 内华达, 和怀俄明州. 拥有创新的癌症研究遗产, 突破性的发现, 世界一流的病人护理, we are transforming the way cancer is understood, 预防, 诊断, 治疗, 并存活下来. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 focuses on delivering the most advanced cancer healing 和 prevention through scientific breakthroughs 和 cutting-edge technology to advance cancer treatments of the future beyond the st和ard of care today. 大发娱乐有超过 300项公开临床试验250个研究小组 研究癌症. More genes for inherited cancers have been discovered at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 than at any other cancer center. Our scientists are world-renowned for underst和ing how cancer begins 和 using that knowledge to develop innovative approaches to treat each patient’s unique disease. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 was founded by Jon M. 和卡伦·亨茨曼.

