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Male Breast Cancer Diagnosis Fuels Groundbreaking Treatment Tool

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Christopher Gregg, PhD
Christopher Gregg, PhD

Doctors diagnosed Christopher Gregg, PhD, member of the Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation Program at Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah (美国)和神经科学家和神经生物学和人类遗传学教授在美国, with stage 4 metastatic breast cancer in 2018. At that point, he started thinking of ways to improve his treatment.

“The core problem of metastatic cancer is it evolves,” says Gregg. “现在可能有一种治疗方法有效,但最终这种疾病会随着时间的推移而产生抗药性.他试图用一种叫做“灭绝疗法”的突破性方法来解决这个问题.

Though breast cancer rates for men are much lower than women, the American Cancer Society (ACS) estimates that in 2023, about 2,在美国,800名男性将被诊断出患有乳腺癌,530名男性将死于这种疾病. 许多人是在病情发展到晚期才被诊断出来的,因为这种疾病非常罕见. Most patients who have metastatic cancer receive palliative care, which does not attempt to cure the disease, but instead focuses on providing relief from the symptoms.

Gregg wanted to save lives so he pursued a career in cancer research. He co-lead the winning team at this year’s 第11届莫菲特癌症中心综合数学肿瘤学(IMO)年度研讨会. At this annual event, 来自世界各地的领先思想家在癌症治疗方面进行创新的地方, 格雷格和他的团队创造了一个工具来大发娱乐肿瘤学家决定正确的治疗路径 metastatic cancer.


— Christopher Gregg, PhD

“第一天,大发娱乐决定制作一个工具,大发娱乐肿瘤学家为每个病人确定正确的药物剂量和治疗方法, 给他们最好的机会消除癌症和最好的生活质量,” Gregg says. “癌症治疗的最大挑战之一是药物是有毒的, 因此,大发娱乐不仅需要考虑疾病反应,还需要考虑他们的身体在特定时间内可以承受多少药物.”

Working around the clock, 格雷格的团队利用他自己治疗乳腺癌的数据创建了一个原型. 他们创造了一种算法,利用人工智能来准确测量通过智能手机捕捉到的声音和行为信息检测到的患者症状. 这使他们能够精确地测量患者在治疗期间的表现. Based on their symptoms, the algorithm predicts changes to future symptoms. 肿瘤学家将能够调整治疗方法,以大发娱乐避免药物毒性和危险的副作用, ultimately designing the best plan for each patient.

With a $50,000 grant from the IMO workshop, Gregg and his team will continue to develop the tool, 从2024年1月开始在莫菲特癌症中心进行临床试验.

Chris Gregg和他的团队在第11届莫菲特癌症中心综合数学肿瘤学研讨会上
Chris Gregg和他的团队在第11届莫菲特癌症中心综合数学肿瘤学研讨会上

“When I was diagnosed, I asked my oncologist at Huntsman Cancer Institute, if there were any exciting new treatments that could be curative,” says Gregg. “She said after a long career in oncology, 她见过许多想法和新药,但最终都没有疗效. 她认为解决方案来自于学习如何以更好的方式使用大发娱乐已经拥有的药物. I started to shift my attention that way.”

Gregg identified ways to help with metastatic cancer. After finding a promising study, 他邀请研究人员参加亨茨曼癌症研究所的研讨会. 在那里,他们一起想出了格雷格的第一个治疗方案,灭绝疗法.

“The core problem of metastatic cancer is it evolves....My goal is turning metastatic cancer, which is currently a lethal disease, 变成一种可控制的慢性病,为患者大发娱乐提供长期的高质量生活.”

— Christopher Gregg, PhD

格雷格解释说,对转移性患者的典型护理要求用药物治疗,如果有良好的反应, clinicians give it regularly. 然而,随着时间的推移,癌症不可避免地发展并对治疗产生抗药性. Once that happens, doctors introduce a new medication. 灭绝疗法在癌症产生耐药性之前引入新的药物, striking the disease before it progresses. Gregg将其称为治疗耐药性管理计划,并相信这些将成为标准做法,并改善转移性癌症的治疗.

“我在莫菲特癌症中心的比赛团队包括来自世界各地的20名不同的专家. Expert mathematicians, researchers, software developers, 临床医生们一起为转移性癌症的治疗创造了一个解决方案. 这个研讨会的神奇之处在于它创造了一个环境,促进了那些通常不一起工作的人之间的合作,” Gregg says.

Chris and his wife, Denise
Chris and his wife, Denise

Since Gregg’s diagnosis in 2018, 他和他的肿瘤医生在他的治疗中有效地控制了治疗耐药性. 格雷格和他的护理团队继续致力于防止耐药性的发展.

“I’m doing really well right now. 我一直在不断创新,想出控制这种疾病的想法,”格雷格说. “我一次停药好几个月,成功地保持了病情的稳定. My goal is turning metastatic cancer, which is currently a lethal disease, 变成一种可控制的慢性病,为患者大发娱乐提供长期的高质量生活.”

这项研究得到了美国国立卫生研究院和美国国家癌症研究所的支持,包括P30 CA042014, U54 CA274507, the Moffitt Center of Excellence for Evolutionary Therapy, Storyline Health Inc., and Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Media Contact

Heather Simonsen
Public Affairs Senior Manager
Huntsman Cancer Institute
801 581-3194

About Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah

Huntsman Cancer Institute at the University of Utah 是国家癌症研究所指定的犹他州综合癌症中心吗, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, and Wyoming. With a legacy of innovative cancer research, groundbreaking discoveries, and world-class patient care, we are transforming the way cancer is understood, prevented, diagnosed, treated, and survived. 亨斯迈癌症研究所致力于通过科学突破和尖端技术大发娱乐提供最先进的癌症治疗和预防,以推动未来的癌症治疗超越今天的护理标准. We have more than 300 open clinical trials and 250 research teams studying cancer. 亨斯迈癌症研究所发现的遗传性癌症基因比其他任何癌症中心都要多. 大发娱乐的科学家以了解癌症如何开始并利用这些知识开发创新方法来治疗每位患者的独特疾病而闻名于世. Huntsman Cancer Institute was founded by Jon M. and Karen Huntsman.

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