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What to Do if You Get Burned in the Wilderness

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What to Do if You Get Burned in the Wilderness

Jul 01, 2015

你知道如果你被烧伤了,远离救援或医院,你会怎么做吗? 如果你今年夏天要出去打猎或背包旅行,这个播客就是为你准备的. 烧伤专家安妮特·马瑟利介绍了在荒野中被烧伤时应采取的步骤. 她会告诉你如何用有限的资源治疗烧伤.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: What would you do if you get burned and help isn't coming soon? We'll explore that next on 范围.

播音员: 来自犹他大学医生和专家的医学新闻和研究,您可以使用更快乐,更健康的生活. You're listening to 范围.

Interviewer: 安妮特·马瑟利(Annette Matherly)是犹他州烧伤中心的外联和灾难协调员. What should you do if get burned and help isn't coming soon, say you're out maybe hunting or backcountry camping, or something like that? Is there anything a regular person can do or are they out of luck?

Dr. 马瑟: No, absolutely. 当你受伤了,没有人来大发娱乐你的时候,你可以做很多简单的事情. So I like to keep it simple. I think of the four Cs. The four Cs are cool it, clean it, cover it, and call for help.

Number one, cool it. If you get burned with some kind of hot fluid, 冷却它并将热量从你的组织中带走是非常重要的,因为热量在组织中停留的时间越长, the deeper your injury will become. 所以在5到10分钟的时间内把热量排出是非常重要的.

第二件事是把它清理干净,因为谁知道你在里面滚了些什么, or what you've got on your fingers or your toes, or wherever it is that you've been injured. So you want to keep that clean. And so just having some regular soap and some water, 最好不用香水,因为香水会让它更刺痛, 但只要用普通的肥皂清洗伤口,就能把伤口上的细菌都清除掉. Because if you have that top layer of your skin missing, now you can have bacteria in the environment. Bacteria that's crawling around on our bodies, 顺便说一下, those gram positives that are all over us, 现在它们可以进入大发娱乐的身体,让大发娱乐生病.

Interviewer: 所以对于第一个和第二个,冷却和清洁,那溪水呢? Should I avoid that?

Dr. 马瑟: If that's all you have, then you use stream water. You've got to take out that burn. And is it optimal? No, but there's not many of us, you know. 或者大发娱乐周围有瓶装水,大发娱乐可以拿出肥皂,打开瓶装水,或者大发娱乐试图拯救宇宙, we can get out our little reusable bottle and pour it over. So another good reason to carry those around with you.

Interviewer: 是的, so that's optimal. Stream water, though. If you have to, you've got to do these things.

Dr. 马瑟: Absolutely.

Interviewer: 好吧. So we've got cool it and clean it. Number three?

Dr. 马瑟: 所以第三点是盖住它因为现在大发娱乐的身体有了这个开口. The skin is kind of a coat of armor. 大发娱乐想要做的是当大发娱乐失去那块盔甲时大发娱乐仍然想要覆盖有开口的区域. 所以现在大发娱乐要把它盖起来大发娱乐要用一些不会粘住的东西因为如果那个地方没有皮肤, then it's nice, 和渗出的, 和眼泪汪汪的. 你不想在上面放什么东西会粘住,但有时你可能没有这个选择.

So 希望, 在你的背包里,因为你在出发前就考虑过了, you've got some Bacitracin, 或者一些Polisporin或者一些新孢菌素或者其他一些会有细菌覆盖的东西. 你把它放在开口上,然后用不粘剂盖住它, but if all you've got is a t-shirt of a friend, 然后你把一件朋友的干净t恤盖在那个开口上,确保没有其他东西能进入那个开口.

Interviewer: What if you don't have such a clean t-shirt? Still covering it with that is better than not covering it?

Dr. 马瑟: 是的.

Interviewer: You have to cover it?

Dr. 马瑟: 把它盖起来比把它打开要好,因为如果你想象一下,当你穿过森林或者你的手接触到东西的次数, 再一次, it's picking potentially picking up bacteria on mold, or spores or something from the environment. So you want to keep that area as covered as possible.

Then number four would be your call for help if you need help. 现在, 很明显, that might not be very timely, depending on how deep on the woods you are, but as soon as you're able to make a call and to seek assistance, especially if it's something larger, 然后必须这样做,因为即使是很小的伤害也会导致感染过程,使人病得很重.

Interviewer: When does that infectious process start? How long after the burn?

Dr. 马瑟: Well, the burn is pretty clean, right? Let's think about the ideology of burn injury. 它涉及到热的东西接触皮肤,这意味着它只是烧掉了所有现有的细菌, 所以在细菌再次开始繁殖之前,你还有一段时间. We usually say that about 24 hours is a safe bet. So after 24 hours if a patient has a temperature, 现在他们正在培养某种可能与烧伤有关的细菌. 在那之前,这可能是病人进来时携带的东西.

Interviewer: So if I'm not in the middle of nowhere and I get that burn, as long as I do some of these steps, 在我真正开始担心什么事情发生之前我还有24小时?

Dr. 马瑟: Absolutely.

Interviewer: It's not going to set in after eight hours necessarily?

Dr. 马瑟: Well, they can start, right? I mean, bacteria are so small and we're crawling with it. With that it's all over us so can it start? Absolutely. Is it likely to make us sick right away? No, it won't. 所以大发娱乐会保持足够的电量,这样大发娱乐就可以做大发娱乐需要做的事情,把大发娱乐带到安全的地方, 希望, and then we can have somebody else take care of business for us.

Interviewer: Physical activity okay? 提高受伤率,不会对烧伤产生任何影响?

Dr. 马瑟: No. 显然你的心率会增加因为烧伤会很痛. 所以如果你随身携带了一些非处方药, 这可能很好,因为这将有助于减轻疼痛,这样你就可以徒步或走路了. 但是,除此之外,大发娱乐鼓励所有的烧伤患者进行活动. You don't want to splint something, 你要继续使用身体部位,这样它就不会在适当的地方收缩. 这是最糟糕的情况,所以你要继续移动被烧毁的区域, 这将减少炎症,并有助于它的使用.


Interviewer: What about the skin? The skin gets tight, that's going to hurt, isn't it?

Dr. 马瑟: Absolutely.

Interviewer: But still keep moving it?. That's more important? 好吧. Any final thoughts if you get burned and help is not coming soon?

Dr. 马瑟: 我认为最重要的是要记住大发娱乐作为人类是多么有弹性. We can do anything. That fight/flight response is absolutely amazing. 大发娱乐见过一些严重烧伤的人,他们不得不从烧伤中爬下来, walked into the emergency department, and they have still been okay. So remember, 你的儿茶酚胺对受伤的反应是巨大的,如果你被困在某处,你可以做到这一点,你可以摆脱, even if you may have a pretty significant injury.

An exception to that would be your airway, 希望你的呼吸道不会堵塞这很重要. But on other body parts you usually have some time.

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