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Nov 29, 2016

Have you recently injured your knee? You may not need surgery. Dr. Tom Miller talks to orthopedic surgeon Dr. Bruce Thomas 关于医生和病人在选择对膝盖进行手术之前可以采取的检查和治疗膝盖损伤的新方法. 了解一下如果你的膝盖因受伤而疼痛该怎么做.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: You've injured your knee, what's the next step? Should you have it scoped? 大发娱乐接下来将在Scope Radio讨论这个问题.

Announcer: 健康提示,医学新闻,研究和更多的快乐,健康的生活. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学栏目.

Dr. Miller: Hi, I'm Dr. Tom Miller and I'm here with Dr. Bruce Thomas. 他是犹他大学整形外科的一名整形外科医生. 他还在大发娱乐法明顿的诊所实习. And Bruce, what's the story? There's been a lot of changes. 我认为那些膝盖受伤,有肿胀,咔哒声或疼痛的人, 过去很多人会去找整形外科医生做关节镜检查. 也就是说,他们会在膝盖里面放一个小范围,然后环顾四周. 最近,这种想法发生了一些变化.

Dr. Thomas: That's true. There's more of a collaborative effort. In the old days, 医生告诉病人治疗方法, 现在医生会和他们分享信息并提出建议. Not every meniscus tear requires surgery. 许多人可以进行正常的生活活动,疼痛就会消退, and it's not clear, in those patients, that knee arthroscopy will help them.

Dr. Miller: It's interesting to me because, I mean, 在做关节镜检查之前他们知道自己有半月板撕裂吗, 或者大发娱乐做关节镜检查看看他们是否有半月板撕裂? 或者患者对关节镜检查的目的有误解.

Dr. Thomas: For many meniscus tears, 你可以通过病人的病史和身体检查来判断它是否存在. 如果有疑问,核磁共振成像预测半月板撕裂的准确率是96%.

Dr. Miller: So now we have way, radiologically, to look at the joint, find out if you have a tear, without doing a surgical procedure?

Dr. Thomas: That's correct.

Dr. Miller: So, 如果你有半月板撕裂,你要么通过检查,要么通过核磁共振成像来判断, what role would arthroscopy play nowadays?

Dr. Thomas: 如果病人有明显的症状,不能通过保守措施解决,这使他们无法进行正常的活动, 关节镜检查可以大发娱乐功能恢复和减轻疼痛. It's a small out-patient surgery with, usually, two or three very small incisions, 半月板要么修复,要么切除受损部分, depending on the findings at surgery.

Dr. Miller: So, what you said I think is important, is that you don't do the arthroscopy immediately, you try some conservative measures first.

Dr. Thomas: That's true.

Dr. Miller: Is that the standard now?

Dr. Thomas: 我相信这是标准的,因为很多人在半月板撕裂后仍能正常工作. 较早的文献表明,未经治疗的半月板撕裂会导致早期关节炎. Subsequent studies are less clear on that, and it depends much on the size, location, geometry of the tear, as well as the patient's activity level.

Dr. Miller: You know, many years ago they used to go in, when you had a meniscal tear, and they just took out a lot of the meniscus, a large percentage of it, 我认为那是当时的标准. Is that right?

Dr. Thomas: That's true. Before the invention of arthroscopy, 一个开放的程序将进行,整个半月板将被移除. 有一些论文表明这些病人会在手术后的七年内患上晚期关节炎.

Dr. Miller: So they don't do that anymore?

Dr. Thomas: We don't do that anymore.

Dr. Miller: So the concept was, if you used an arthroscope, 你可以在半月板受损的地方取一小块, and that that might result in improved function, less pain.

Dr. Thomas: True. That's true. It will decrease their pain, improve their function, and if we can save even a rim of 3mm or 4mm, 这已经被证明对病人预防关节炎仍然有效.

Dr. Miller: 在不太遥远的过去,病人接受关节镜检查的原因是什么? 例如,我知道有些病人用关节镜冲洗膝关节. 他们现在还这么做吗,这有治疗价值吗?

Dr. Thomas: That really, probably, has no therapeutic value. Arthroscopy is not a treatment for arthritis. 你使用关节镜检查来治疗半月板撕裂或, infrequently, loose fragments of cartilage. 比如抓人,锁死,呕吐之类的症状.

Dr. Miller: 做了关节镜检查后,病人多久能恢复正常活动?

Dr. Thomas: 如果没有意外和关节软骨是良好的形状, 大发娱乐通常鼓励他们在手术当天开始走路. Swelling takes longer to go away. 可能四到八周,取决于环境. 许多患者可以在八周内恢复大部分生活活动.

Dr. Miller: Now, are there any risks with arthroscopy? 显然,任何外科手术或侵入性手术都有风险. 我认为这些风险比开放式手术要小, an open, standard surgical procedure.

Dr. Thomas: That's true. 例如,关节镜手术的感染风险远低于2%. 有证据表明一旦你一侧的半月板撕裂, 你更有可能是在另一侧的膝盖上. And with removal of meniscal tissue, the loads on your joint surface are higher, 所以你的软骨磨损得更快,可能会更容易得关节炎.

Dr. Miller: So, bottom-line, basically, 如果你有膝盖疼痛和可能的半月板撕裂, 你可能需要先进行保守治疗, 在进行关节镜手术之前, 你和你的整形外科医生一起工作你可以确定最好的时间, if that needs to occur.

Dr. Thomas: That's true.

Dr. Miller: Thank you very much, Bruce.

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