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Is a Career in Family Medicine Right for You?

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Is a Career in Family Medicine Right for You?

Dec 13, 2017

When pursuing a career in medicine, 在决定你的专业时,有很多选择要考虑. Could family medicine be for you? Family practitioner, Dr. Kirsten Stoesser discusses her experience. Find out why she chose to pursue family medicine, the pros and cons of the field, and whether or not family medicine might be right for you.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 所以你对医学很感兴趣但你还不知道你的领域是什么. 大发娱乐将在下一期《大发娱乐》节目中讨论家庭医学是否适合你.

Announcer: focus on Careers in Health Care.

Interviewer: With so many different fields in medicine, 决定哪一个适合你可能是一个挑战. We have Dr. Kirsten Stoesser, 犹他州卫生保健大学的家庭医生解释家庭医学工作是什么样的. First of all, Dr. Stoesser, what is family medicine?

Dr. Stoesser: So family medicine is one of the primary care fields, and we take care of patients from babies to seniors.

Interviewer: So you're really seeing everyone and everything?

Dr. Stoesser: We see everyone and everything, that's exactly right.

Interviewer: So why did family medicine appeal to you?

Dr. Stoesser: 当我经历了我的轮岗后,我意识到我喜欢所有的东西. I loved pediatrics, I loved psychiatry. For a while, I thought I would be an ENT surgeon. I wanted to go into OB-GYN. 每次我做一个新的轮换,我想,“这是我的新职业." I couldn't just pick one thing. I was fascinated by everything.

Interviewer: So ultimately, what made you choose family medicine? What was the final criteria?

Dr. Stoesser: 你可能会笑,但是,对我自己来说,我意识到我对凌晨三点起床没有热情.m. to take out a gall bladder, but I had learned that the family physicians, a fair number, 接生孩子,我可以充满激情地在凌晨三点起床.m. to deliver a baby.

Interviewer: 那么家庭医学的其他优点是什么呢?

Dr. Stoesser: Well, not things that I had thought about at the onset, 但我现在所看到的是,我从事这个职业已经15年以上了,我自己的职业也是如此, observing colleagues and prior residents that I've had, 在家庭医学领域有巨大的潜力可以做很多有趣的事情,重塑自我,随着兴趣的改变改变你的职业.

实习结束后我做了一个产科的研究员这样我就可以做手术产科了. 我这样做了好几年,然后我决定是时候 . . . I did not want to do that anymore. 而现在,我的工作已经朝着我从未想象过的方向发展. I'm actually doing hepatitis C care in the clinics, 我有一个LGBTQ的诊所,我在大发娱乐病人解决变性人的护理问题. 这些都是20年前我不知道自己会感兴趣的东西,但现在我真的很感兴趣.

我知道其他家庭医生也做了一些了不起的事情, 谁是野外探险的医疗服务大发娱乐提供者. 大发娱乐之前有在阿拉斯加工作过的居民还有在南极洲工作过的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者. People have just done all sorts of things with this career.

Interviewer: And what about disadvantages?

Dr. Stoesser: So it is true what they say, 你什么都懂一点,但几乎什么都不懂,除非你选择细分专业. 你必须学会适应,不适的感觉. And you have to know what your limits are.

Interviewer: 所以你认为什么样的人应该从事家庭医学?

Dr. Stoesser: 我相信有很多不同的人从事家庭医学, but again, 一个一辈子都想学习的人, who wants to be challenged, who doesn't want to be bored, and who likes a variety of things.

Interviewer: And what does your typical week look like?

Dr. Stoesser: 所以我的一周,我确实看到了很多变化. I see adult men and women patients. I see seniors. I see a fair number of geriatrics. I see a lot of psychiatric patients. 我看到相当多的儿科病人,仍然分娩带来更多的儿科病人.

Interviewer: 那么这个特殊的医学领域是如何影响你的个人生活的呢?

Dr. Stoesser: You know, all medicine impacts your personal life. 如果你要从医,你必须坚持“病人至上”的原则." It really depends. 你可以从事家庭医学工作也可以从事朝九晚五的工作, although those are getting harder to come by. 你可能会有人在晚上和周末帮你代班, but still patients have issues. 即使你有一份“日常工作”,仍然有人需要接听这些电话. So you'll still probably be at least doing part of that.

然后是另一个极端,你有一个人做了很多电话, 他们可能作为家庭医生在医院做住院医生. 她们可能在接生,可能每三到四个晚上来一次. Or especially if you're rural, 你可能一直随叫随到因为你是镇上唯一的医生. So there can be a huge variety.

Interviewer: All right. So I'm still not sure if family medicine is right for me. 你如何说明为什么家庭医学是一个很好的实践?

Dr. Stoesser: 我从来不想告诉别人他们应该从事家庭医学. I mean, 它的一个缺点是你赚的钱肯定不如你在专业领域赚的多. And for some people, that is important. But you still do make a fair amount of money. And one of my preceptors had said, "You know, even though you may be one of the lower paid physicians, 你仍然比美国大多数人赚得多,当然也比世界上大多数人赚得多." And I think that's a good thing to keep in perspective.

你真的想做你喜欢的事因为我认识一个心胸外科医生他赚了很多钱. 但他们一生中每隔一到三晚就会值班, meaning that they have to be working in the hospital, up at night every two to three nights. 如果你的工作时间让你痛苦,那么世界上再多的钱也不足以让你快乐. 也许那个人喜欢每隔一到三晚就随叫随到, but I can tell you that would not be for me.

But really, 如果有人认为他们对家庭医学感兴趣, 最好的方法是在家庭医学中进行轮转而不仅仅是要求的医科学生纵向的学生来和你喜欢的老师一起多做一两个月他会给你感兴趣的病人看病.

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