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Pregnancy & Delivery After Multiple C-Sections

A C-section may not have been part of your birth plan. Many women are thrilled with the outcome—healthy baby, healthy mom—while others are hesitant to go through delivery again after a particularly bad experience (anesthesia didn’t work; recovery was difficult; baby was in distress).

No matter how you feel about cesareans, 你可能会担心多次剖腹产后你的怀孕能力,或者想知道下次分娩该怎么办. While there’s no single rule that applies to all women, 有一些常见的结论需要考虑并与你的医生讨论.

Risks of Multiple C-Sections

剖腹产是一项严肃的手术,医生不会轻易接受. 如果你经历过不止一次,你就会知道从一次成功的手术中恢复需要多长时间. During a C-section, you might experience:

  • heavy bleeding,
  • infection, and
  • bladder and bowel injuries.

Placenta accreta 胎盘在剖腹产疤痕附近植入会发生什么. 如果它留在那里不被发现,你可能会在未来的分娩中失血过多而死.

In the past, the rate of death from accreta was 50 percent. Now, thankfully, most women are not at high risk of dying. 在医生有经验的地方分娩很重要.

If you've had a prior C-section, 你的医生可能会建议你在下次怀孕时用超声波检查胎盘的位置.

Getting Pregnant After C-Sections

好消息是:如果你做过多次剖腹产,你和顺产的女性一样有可能怀孕. 医生建议你在剖腹产后至少等六周再发生性行为,通常鼓励在产后6到18个月之前采取避孕措施.

你恢复和愈合的时间越长,你患并发症的风险就越低. That said, if you do get pregnant before the recommended timeline, you can still have a healthy pregnancy. 一定要尽早和你的医生谈谈适当的产前护理.

Can You Have A Natural Birth After C-Sections?

Depending on your medical history, 你的医生应该支持你的决定,要么安排另一次剖腹产,要么在剖宫产后尝试顺产。. At the University of Utah, 大发娱乐的医生致力于大发娱乐提供最安全的护理,同时最大限度地提高您的分娩体验.


如果你以前有过一次甚至多次剖宫产,VBAC可能是一个安全的选择. 潜在的好处包括更短的恢复时间和更低的手术并发症风险. However, it’s not for everyone.

例如,剖腹产次数越多,子宫破裂的可能性就越大. With each C-section, there’s a higher chance of scar tissue buildup, heavy bleeding, and problems with the placenta. 


  • Transverse-最常见的类型,这种切割是在子宫的下部从一侧到另一侧进行的
  • Low vertical—Up-and-down cut across the lower part of the uterus
  • High vertical—Once the standard for cesareans, 这种上下切开子宫上部的手术现在被认为是有风险的,通常只在极度早产的情况下进行. 

If you choose VBAC, we will closely watch you during labor. 如果你或你的宝宝表现出痛苦的迹象,你就需要紧急剖腹产.

Both vaginal and cesarean deliveries have risks and benefits. 在上一次剖腹产后,决定如何生下一个孩子可能是一个复杂的决定. Talk to your health care provider. 他或她可以大发娱乐你权衡再次剖腹产的风险和你未来怀孕的愿望.

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Scheduled C-Section: What to Expect

你可能需要或更喜欢计划或选择性剖腹产而不是VBAC的原因有很多. These include circumstances if you:

  • had more than two low transverse cesarean deliveries,
  • have additional uterine scars,
  • experienced previous ruptures, or
  • 婴儿体位不正常(不是头朝下在产道里).

与第一次剖腹产相比,计划剖腹产也是一个受欢迎的改变,因为你可能很累, scared, and in pain. The biggest difference: no rushing. You can set the terms of your experience ahead of time, from the type of anesthesia you prefer (epidural, combined spinal epidural, or general) to who will be present in the operating room.

Some hospitals even accommodate “gentle cesareans,” or “family-centered C-sections,,旨在通过让父母见证分娩过程,使手术体验更接近自然分娩, achieve skin-to-skin contact quickly after baby emerges, breastfeed right away, and keep mom and baby together as much as possible.

Talk to a Specialist

Concerned about pregnancy after C-section? 今天就和大发娱乐的专家谈谈,了解更多关于您的选择. No referral necessary.

Resources & Programs for Parents-to-Be

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic

怀孕的前三个月可能是一段令人兴奋、困惑和不堪重负的经历. 大发娱乐的早孕护理团队大发娱乐提供全面,非判断早孕护理.

Learn More About the Clinic

Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program

犹他州流产后怀孕计划是专门为流产后的家庭大发娱乐提供支持的, newborn death, or severely complicated pregnancy.

Learn More About the Program


许多孕妇在产前和产后12个月都有盆底症状. 向上大发娱乐提供专家护理的妇女经历盆底问题在一个脆弱的时间.

Learn More About the Program

YoMingo®: Prenatal Education on the Go

U of U Health offers anytime, anywhere education for expectant mothers through YoMingo®, 在你怀孕的每个阶段都有你需要的所有工具和支持. Find information on prenatal care, labor & birth, postpartum, breastfeeding, and newborn care.

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Perinatal Education

对你和你的家人来说,生育是一个令人兴奋的成长、变化和个人选择的时刻. 为了大发娱乐您做好准备,大发娱乐大发娱乐提供与您怀孕有关的各种主题的围产期教育.

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Choosing a Hospital or Birthing Space

开始考虑生产过程永远不会太早(如果这些词甚至可以开始表达你即将拥有的改变生活的经历). Here are some things to consider.

Read the Things to Consider

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