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Developmental Assessment for Children

The Child Development Program (CDP) provides:

  • developmental assessments,
  • therapy,
  • ongoing care, and
  • case management.

Children we assess may have a developmental need or concern. They may also have characteristics of:

  • Autism spectrum disorder,
  • Speech and hearing conditions,
  • Behavioral or emotional concerns (such as ADHD),
  • Developmental delays, or
  • Cognitive concerns.

Your child will meet with one or more members of our team, which brings together multiple providers from different specialties. These are the following disciplines:

  • Developmental pediatrics
  • Speech and language pathology
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Psychology

Partnering With Primary Care Providers (PCP)s

Providers at the CDP do not replace your child’s primary care provider (PCP). We work in partnership with your child’s PCP. 大发娱乐与您孩子的PCP分享大发娱乐评估的所有文件,以便大发娱乐可以作为一个团队来支持您孩子的发展.


Scheduling an Appointment For Your Child

To see providers in our program, you need to have a referral. If you have concerns about your child, 请与您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者(PCP)或您孩子治疗团队的其他大发娱乐提供者讨论.


Wait Time for Assessments

We try to schedule assessments as soon as we can. Sometimes, however, 在大发娱乐收到推荐信后,可能需要几个月的时间,大发娱乐才会打电话给您安排您的第一次就诊.  

请知道大发娱乐将尽大发娱乐最大的努力,一旦大发娱乐能够安排您和您的孩子的第一次访问,大发娱乐将与您联系. 当大发娱乐收到推荐信时,大发娱乐会给您发短信告知您大发娱乐已经收到了.

Before Your Assessment

While you are waiting for your assessment, there are several resources you can access to help your child’s development:

What Are Assessments Like?

儿童发展项目的评估在不同的日子由不同的大发娱乐提供者完成. 大发娱乐这样做是为了在不同的时间观察和评估你的孩子,以获得你孩子行为和发展的最完整的画面. 

Visit Lengths

大发娱乐还发现,在不同的日子间隔探视可以让您和您的孩子有机会休息和恢复. The visits can each last between one to four hours. 

By the end of all appointments, 大发娱乐的发展儿科或心理学小组的一名成员将审查诊断和治疗计划. After the assessment, 大发娱乐的发育儿科团队的一名成员可以继续为您和您的孩子大发娱乐提供持续的大发娱乐大发娱乐他们进行药物管理,并获得所需的支持和服务. 

Virtual Visits or In-Person Visits

We offer both virtual visits or in-person visits. Learn more about these options.

Pre-Visit Paperwork & Questionnaires

Ideally, 大发娱乐希望您在大发娱乐安排您的访问之前完成书面文件和调查问卷,以便大发娱乐大发娱乐提供者为您和您的孩子面临的问题做好准备. Please know that our providers review this information before your visit.


大发娱乐也会大发娱乐提供如何完成问卷的说明,但如果你有困难, please let us know and we will try to assist you. 如果您的孩子以前已经接受过任何发育测试,请将副本传真或电子邮件给大发娱乐. 大发娱乐将回顾以前的测试,以确定它是否有助于大发娱乐对您孩子的评估.

What to Expect at Your First Appointment

Visits are either virtual visits or in person. Learn more about these options.

Assessments at the child developmental program begin with a welcome visitThis visit is one hour long. 您和您的孩子将与大发娱乐团队的一名成员会面,以收集有关您所关注的一些初步信息. 这次访问有助于确定大发娱乐的评估团队中哪一个可以最好地解决您的问题. 

欢迎访问是大发娱乐与您和您的孩子一起确定评估过程中下一步的时间. 为了您的方便,大发娱乐通常可以采用虚拟拜访(视频)的方式进行欢迎拜访.

Follow Up Visits

After the welcome visit, 大发娱乐将要求您完成一些问卷或对您孩子的行为和发展的评定量表. The questionnaires will be sent to you electronically.

大发娱乐使用这些信息来了解更多关于您孩子的信息,以及如何大发娱乐和支持您的家庭. 一旦大发娱乐收到完整的问卷,大发娱乐就能安排您孩子的就诊时间.

Sharing information With Your PCP

The clinic will send your PCP a summary of your visits and test results. You can access results of all your visits through MyChart. To set up an account if you do not already have one, visit MyChart or call 801-213-5555, option #1 for help.

You can share the results with anyone you choose to.

Services After Diagnosis

儿童发展项目的大发娱乐提供者可能会根据评估结果提出治疗方案的建议. 大发娱乐将与您分享这些建议,以便您可以联系推荐的大发娱乐提供商安排服务开始. 


Cost for CDP Services

大发娱乐服务的费用取决于保险范围和使用大发娱乐的服务. We contract with most insurance plans (including Medicaid). 您可能希望在访问大发娱乐之前直接与您的保险公司联系,以检查保险范围和您的经济责任.

如果您想讨论收到的服务的付款,您可以联系 University of Utah Medical Billing office who will work with you on payment plans and possible discounts. 他们的电话号码是801-587-6303,也可以在你的账单上找到.

Find A Specialist

A Relationship Created for the Best Pediatric Care

在儿科专科护理方面,山间儿童健康中心隶属于 University of Utah Health. U of U Health physicians see patients at Primary Children's Hospital on campus, and at locations throughout the Salt Lake City valley.

It's a shared mission of providing health care, education, and research. 它通过临床护理、研究和教育项目的合作而得以实现.

初级儿童医院是犹他大学卫生系统的主要儿科设施, 大发娱乐提供60多个医疗和外科专业的护理,如外科, oncology, cardiology, orthopedics, and others. 初级儿童医院的大多数大发娱乐提供者都是大发娱乐的教员.

This partnership delivers care to advance pediatric medicine while educating future generations of health care professionals.

How Can CDP Work With Early Intervention & Special Education


在教育环境中进行的评估是为了确定你的孩子是否有资格接受特殊教育服务. 符合条件的儿童被给予教育分类,而不是具体的诊断.

CDP diagnostic assessments offer more specific diagnoses, such as autism spectrum disorder, and may enable children to access more condition-specific interventions.  

Research Programs

We are currently involved in an autism study called SPARK. 如果你的孩子或你认识的人被诊断为自闭症,他们可以参加SPARK. Learn more about SPARK or email our SPARK team at

Contact Us or Refer a Patient

You can email, call, or fax us.

Phone: 801-587-2255
Fax: 801-585-2209

Refer a Patient

Please fill out this referral form and fax it to 801-585-2209.

CDP Referral Form